

Friday, December 6, 2013

Holiday Begins!

So, holiday begins? begins lah sangat.

The real thing is, it's not really like that. i meant, as a student, i'll never get the chance to stop learning, in which, i don't really mind because i'm so used to it.
 so, here we go. My first day in British Council. Hahaha. Tell me about it. In what occasion, does a first day is an interesting one? hahaha, yap, you got the idea. it was not that fun anyways.

This holiday course i'm taking, is actually, well, in my opinion, i think the aim is to teach us students to be more confident, be brave to speak out, even though you got all your grammars upside down, but it's never mind. you just have to speak out.
 the way they thought us, was like, the situation there in a classroom, in England. lets say. have you guys ever watch the English movies? just observe in a minute, how are the students in the class. they are like, you know, can freely speak out their thoughts, their opinions, what do they think about something, what do they feel, an etc.

 So, in british council here, oh by the way my teacher's name is Emma and she is 36 years old and had traveled to 52 countries in the world, she taught us to be more, like, expressing our thoughts. she'll ask us why, she will question us a lot of things, and yes, we have to brainstorm all that. it was quite fun during the first day, but boring at the same time because we were all shy, and yap, did not know each other yet. By the way, there are 20 of us in the classroom, consists of 5 Malays, 2 Indians, 1 Korean boy and others are chinese. but never mind, i'm starting to like them. Especially meet my new friend here named Kevin who is only 16 years old but looks like he is the same age as me. In fact, i tell you this, although i am one of the eldest students there, but we all look the same. exactly. some are tall and even look maturer than i am. hell fun guys, hahha!

Soo...what we did yesterday was, our topic was on bullying. but before that, Emma explained to us about the Glees. do you know what is Glee? well, i didn't know at first what the hell it is all about, but basically, i can conclude that Glee, is like the High School Musical. well, sort of. because they form a musical band in the series. and the series is about the topics like bullying, drugs, sex, or anything that relates to teenagers. yeah, so our first topic was on bullying.

bla3, she was explaining about the characters you know. and i was like, 'what the hell are we doing in here? i'm not here to study about glee, i'm here to study english!'
haha, yeah, that was my first thought. but what she was doing actually was, teaching us the vocabulary, but not in a direct way like, "oh yeah, today we are going to learn about the word "precious" for example. but the way she did it, she included all that sort of things, into a discussion. she would ask us questions like, "look at the pictures. what do you think he looks like? what do you think he's thinking? what does he feel right now?" yeah2, things went like that pals...

Other than that, we also had somewhat discussion among ourselves. we had to discuss about, how's bullying in our school, who's the bullier, unpopular or the popular ones, why are they popular, what should we do to overcome this matter...all KBKKs you know! sadly in Malaysia our education has just begun that way. so, it was a lot of fun to know experiences from other friends. like in our area, i'll say that the bulliers are the not-so-smart students, but top students won't bully or being bullied by them. we'll just ignore such persons. but in KL, haha, very funny. the top students bullied the not-so-smart ones. and other reasons why things like bullies happened; because of money. Rich people are the bulliers. haha, so many things i gained yesterday...

so, although in the beginning it was not that fun, but i think i'm gonna like it. like today's topic is about alcohol and drugs. and i love to know about Emma and my friends' experiences. want to know what? :) stay tuned...

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